RE Week 2016
RE Week 2016
Alderman Richard Hallam Primary School celebrated R.E. on the week beginning 21st March 2016. The aim of the week was to raise the profile of R.E. across the school, learn about a main religion and involve the children in some cross-curricular activities. We used the theme 'Why should we care?' throughout the school and each year group thought about this question from the point of view of a specific religion.
Reception/Year 1 focused on Christianity
Year 2 focused on Hinduism
Year 3 focused on Sikhism
Year 4 focused on Judaism
Year 5 focused on Islam
Year 6 focused on Buddhism
One of the main aims of the week was also to develop attitudes of tolerance and understanding of the beliefs and customs of others and to enrich the children’s knowledge in order to enable them to live and work with fellow citizens of diverse religions, language and ethnic origins.
Activities over the week promoted the children to learn about how each religion values the importance of caring for those around them and for the environment. The activities involved doing research, creating presentations, learning songs, art work and getting creative.
Tom Hind from Trinity Life Church also be visited the school during the week to talk about Easter and its importance. The assembly was egg-citing to say the least!
Throughout the week the children showed great interest and enthusiasm and personal engagement in the topics they were learning about. They were very curious about the background and stories of the religions and images and they had many questions they wanted to further explore.
A massive thank you to all parties involved that made this week such an enjoyable experience.