Welcome to ARH Primary.

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Alderman Richard HallamPrimary School


At ARH, we firmly believe that 



‘Miss school and you miss out’


We want to see all our pupils with 95% or above attendance

There is a clear link between attendance and achievement. Whenever a child misses school, they miss out on important learning. This time can never be caught up. Regular attendance is the most important factor in a child reaching their full potential. 90% attendance actually means that your child has been away from school for half a day every week! If your child has 90% attendance for a whole year, that means that they have had nearly 4 whole weeks off school in a year. That equates to 19 days or 80 lessons.


We promise:

  • We will do our best to contact you on the first day of an absence by telephone.
  • We will contact you if we have any concerns over attendance and punctuality.
  • We will also contact you by letter if we have not been given a reason for absence.
  • We will reward good and improving attendance. We give awards to pupils with 100% attendance at the end of the Summer Term.
  • We give weekly class attendance certificates.
  • We will support you in promoting good attendance and punctuality.
  • We will be there for you if you contact us about issues that may be impacting on your child’s attendance. We will do our best to support you and find a solution to the problem.
  • The School’s Safeguarding, Attendance and Admissions Manager and Educational Welfare Officer will get involved with persistent absentees.


What should you do?

Contact us on 0116 262 4003

or email:


Let's work together to improve attendance!
