Year 6
If you have any questions or require any support please email the following address for this Year Group:
Previous Lockdown Resources:
Home Learning Week 13: W.B. 06/07/20
- Time Machine Writing Project.pdf
- Harry Potter comprehension.pdf
- Handwriting.pdf
- Grammar Hammer.doc
- Grammar Hammer - Answers.doc
- Word of the week and Spellings.pdf
- Maths 1.pdf
- Maths 1 - answers.pdf
- Maths 2.pdf
- Maths 2 - answers.pdf
- Maths 3.pdf
- Maths 3 - answers.pdf
- Ultimate Timestables Missing Number Challenge (with answer sheet).pdf
- Mindfulness - Colour my feelings.pdf
- Mindfulness cloud relaxation.pdf
- Topic - Monsoons.ppt
Home Learning Week 12: W.B. 29/06/20
- Island Adventure Writing Project.pdf
- Grammar Hammer.doc
- Grammar Hammer - Answers.doc
- The Boy in Striped Pyjamas comprehension.pdf
- Handwriting.pdf
- Word of the week and Spellings.pdf
- Maths 1.pdf
- Maths 1 - answers.pdf
- Maths 2.pdf
- Maths 2 Answers.pdf
- Maths 3.pdf
- Maths 3 - answers.pdf
- Ultimate Timestables Challenge.pdf
- Topic - Wildfires.ppt
- Wellbeing journal - Monday.pdf
- Wellbeing journal - Tuesday.pdf
- Wellbeing journal -Wednesday.pdf
- Wellbeing journal - Thursday.pdf
- Wellbeing journal - Friday.pdf
Home Learning Week 11: W.B. 22/06/20
- A Place to Play Writing Unit.pdf
- Grammar Hammer.doc
- Grammar Hammer - Answers.doc
- Handwriting.pdf
- My Brother is a Superhero comprehension.pdf
- Maths 1.pdf
- Maths 1 - answers.pdf
- Maths 2.pdf
- Maths 2 - answers.pdf
- Maths 3.pdf
- Maths 3 - answers.pdf
- timestables quiz 99 questions.pdf
- Topic - Tsunami.docx
- Wellbeing - My Happy Tree.pdf
- Word of the week 6.pdf
Home Learning Week 10: W.B. 15/06/20
- Doors Writing Unit Week 2_2.pdf
- Grammar.doc
- Grammar - Answers.doc
- Handwriting.pdf
- Banksy and Black Lives Matter comprehension.pdf
- Word of the week 5.pdf
- Beat the clock times tables sheet.pdf
- Maths 1.pdf
- Maths 1 - answers.pdf
- Maths 2.pdf
- Maths 2 - answers.pdf
- Maths 3.pdf
- Maths 3 - answers.pdf
- Topic - Volcanoes.pdf
- Wellbeing Task.pdf
Home Learning Week 9: W.B. 08/06/20
- English - Writing Project.pdf
- Grammar.pdf
- Grammar - Answers.pdf
- Word of the week.pdf
- To Be a Cat Comprehension.pdf
- Maths - Day 1.pdf
- Maths - Day 1 answers.pdf
- Maths - Day 2.pdf
- Maths - Day 2 answers.pdf
- Maths - Day 3.pdf
- Maths - Day 3 answers.pdf
- Timestables.pdf
- Mindfulness Balloons.pdf
- Topic - Earthquakes.pdf
Home Learning Week 8: W/B 01.06.20
- English - Grammar.pdf
- English - Handwriting.pdf
- English - Reading - Submarines.pdf
- English - Spellings - Word of the week.pdf
- English - Writing - Make a minature book.pdf
- Maths - Extra Challenge.pdf
- Maths - Multiplication tables.pdf
- Maths - Test.pdf
- Maths 1 - Answers.pdf
- Maths 1.pdf
- Maths 2 - Answers.pdf
- Maths 2.pdf
- Maths 3 - Answers.pdf
- Topic - Tornadoes.pdf
- Well being - Make a calm jar.pdf
Home Learning Week 7: W/B 18.05.20
- 1. Monday - Wellbeing journal.pdf
- 2. Tuesday - Wellbeing Journal.pdf
- 3. Wednesday - Wellbeing journal.pdf
- 4. Thursday - Wellbeing journal.pdf
- 5. Friday - Wellbeing journal.pdf
- English - Grammar.pdf
- English - Handwriting.pdf
- English - Reading - Carnivorous plants.pdf
- English - Spellings - Word of the week.pdf
- English - Write a short story and win a trip to warning zone for your school!.pdf
- Maths - 1.pdf
- Maths - 2.pdf
- Maths - 3.pdf
- Maths - Answers 1.pdf
- Maths - Answers 2.pdf
- Maths - Answers 3.pdf
- Maths - Multiplication tables.pdf
- Maths - Test.pdf
- Topic - Warning zone.pdf
- Extra challenge - Geography Quiz 7.pdf
Home Learning Week 6: W/B 11.05.20
- English - Handwriting.pdf
- English - Reading - Cogheart.pdf
- English - Writing Project.pdf
- Spellings - Word of the week.pdf
- Maths - Multiplication tables.pdf
- Maths - Test.pdf
- Maths 1 - Answers.pdf
- Maths 1 - Problem Solving.pdf
- Maths 2 - Answers.pdf
- Maths 2 - Problem Solving.pdf
- Maths 3 - Answers.pdf
- Maths 3 - Ratio.pdf
- Topic - Propoganda Project.pdf
- Extra challenge - VE and VJ day.pdf
- Well being - Yoga.pdf
- Grammar.pdf
Home Learning Week 5: W/B 04.05.20
- English - Create a talking animal.pdf
- English - Grammar Test.pdf
- English - Handwriting.pdf
- English - Reading - Castles.pdf
- English - Spellings.pdf
- Extra challenge - Geography Quiz.pdf
- Maths - 5.pdf
- Maths - 6.pdf
- Maths - 7.pdf
- Maths - Answers 5.pdf
- Maths - Answers 6.pdf
- Maths - Answers 7.pdf
- Maths - Multiplication tables.pdf
- Maths - Test.pdf
- May Well-being Calendar.pdf
- Topic - Research Project.pdf
Home Learning Week 4: W/B 27.04.20
- English 1 - Grammar Revision.pdf
- English 2 - Word of the week.pdf
- English 3 - Advertise Your Town.pdf
- English 4 - The Ascent.pdf
- Maths - 1 Answers.pdf
- Maths - 1.pdf
- Maths - 2 Answers.pdf
- Maths - 2.pdf
- Maths - 3 Answers.pdf
- Maths - 3.pdf
- Maths - 4 Answers.pdf
- Maths - 4.pdf
- Maths 5 The Mystery of The Missing Knight St. Georges Day Maths Mystery Game.pdf
- Maths Revision.pdf
- Reading 1 'The Island' Questions.pdf
- Reading 1 'The island' Text.pdf
- Reading 2 - Honey Badgers.pdf
- Reading 3 - Hummingbirds.pdf
- Topic 1 - Geography Quiz.pdf
- Topic 2 - WWI Topic Research.pdf
- Topic 3 - Computing Create Your Own Story.pdf
- Topic 4 - Science Challenges!.pdf