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Alderman Richard HallamPrimary School

Primary Sports Funding

Primary School Sports Funding

2023-2024 Funding


The goal of this funding is to promote additional and sustainable improvements to the quality of P.E. within the school. With that in mind, we have re-invested in our partnership with Leicester City Football Club (Leicester City in the Community). Staff from LCitC have organized relevant curriculum lessons in both Key Stage 1 and 2 and have also run extracurricular clubs. Most importantly, they teach P.E. lessons alongside staff from Alderman Richard Hallam to provide them with a good foundation for teaching P.E. which will last for years to come. 


As well as investing in our staff, we have also used parts of the funding to improve the resources and facilities on our grounds. This includes renewing old or damaged equipment, introducing new sports to the curriculum (i.e. handball, Frisbee golf, American football). We have added new playground equipment to the Nursery and Reception areas of the school to help build their confidence in their physical abilities and allow for a larger play area. The Sports Premium funding will allow the school to offer a range of sports throughout the year and pupils who were not involved in any of our after school programs will have the chance to be active and receive the benefits of sport. By using this money to invest in our school, as well as in our staff, the pupils of Alderman Richard Hallam will benefit now and will continue to benefit in the future.


Our Sports Funding reviews take place over the financial year.


Please see the reviews below for further details on our expenditure.
