School Dinners
School Dinners
Our amended menu will be starting in the Spring and we are excited to welcome back some of the children's favourite school dinners.
City Catering provides all of the meals, freshly prepared in our own kitchen each day. Further information regarding allergens and dietary requirements and ingredients can be found through their website on the link below.
Days will be themed and these themes will range from "Plant Power Mondays" to "Around the World" Thursdays. During the Spring term, pupils will have two choices each day for their main meal, served with seasonal vegetables. Furthermore, a variety of puddings, salads, fruit and bread are all on offer. Please see the attached menu for the complete overview.
The price of a school dinner is £2.50 (this equates to £12.50 each week).
Dinner Menu 2024-2025
Packed Lunch
The content of lunchboxes needs to reflect the requirement of schools to meet minimum food and nutrition standards for school meals. The contents of lunchboxes in some schools can be extremely unhealthy. Recent audits of lunchboxes have shown that in the main, they contain foods with high levels of fat, sugar and salt, and very few fruit and vegetables.
The short term effects of unhealthy packed lunches and food intake can include poor growth, tooth decay, obesity, anaemia, constipation, poor concentration and behavioural problems which may have an impact on a child’s learning. The longer term effects of a poor diet in childhood can be an increased risk of stroke, cancer, heart disease and diabetes in adulthood.
Children’s packed lunches should include items from the 5 main food groups;
1) Bread, Rice, Potatoes, Pasta. These starchy foods are a healthy source of energy. Packed lunches should include 2 or more portions eg pasta salad, sandwich.
2) Fruit and Vegetables. These foods provide vitamins, minerals and fibre. Lunches should include at least 1 portion of fruit and 1 portion of vegetables / salad, or more e.g. carrot/cucumber sticks, cherry tomatoes, a piece of fruit etc.
3) Milk and Dairy foods. These foods provide calcium for healthy bones and teeth. Include 1 portion at lunch e.g. yoghurt, fromage frais, milk etc.
4) Meat, Fish, Eggs, Beans. These foods provide etc.
5) Drinks – any drinks provided in lunch boxes should only include either plain water, milk (semi-skimmed), unsweetened fresh fruit juice, diluted fresh fruit juice, fruit or dairy based smoothies.
Please support us by not including these items in a packed lunch
Foods and drinks high in fat and / or sugar. It is important not to fill up on too many foods that are high in fat and / or sugar at the expense of other more nutritious foods. Limiting high fat and sugar foods will help protect young people from becoming overweight as well as helping prevent tooth decay, heart disease, stroke, and diabetes.
- Fizzy Pop/Fruit shoots
- Sweets
A choice of only one of the following is permitted per day:
- A cake bar
- Packet of crisps
- Biscuit
Alderman Richard Hallam Primary School seeks to ensure that we are aware of all severe allergies that children and staff in our school may have. Key staff are notified of these and those with Adrenaline-Auto Injectors (AAIs) are identified in key locations around the school. Children and staff with AAIs, as well as any other allergy medication they may require, are expected to keep their AAIs with them at all times as well as their action plans; children’s AAIs are stored in orange bags. The school does hold spare AAIs for emergency use if required. To help to further protect our staff and children, our school aims to be a nut-free school. As such, no foods that contain, or are likely to contain, nuts are permitted on school grounds; this includes all chocolate spreads as we cannot be certain of their ingredients.
Do I qualify for Free School Meals?
Healthy Start Vouchers Scheme information
Free School Meals
If you feel your child is entitled to free school meals please download and fill in the linked form or for more information go to :
Pay for School Meals
Follow this link to sign up / log in and pay for your school meals