Latest News 12.11.21
Dear Parents and Carers,
We hope you have had a lovely week. Please see below this week’s latest news, updates and reminders.
Latest news:
- Plogging – Plogging is jogging and walking whilst picking up litter and positively impacting the environment. Crown Hills Community College is running a Plogging event on Saturday, 13th November and on Saturday 20th November at The Lancaster Academy 10am-1pm. Please CLICK HERE to book onto the event.
- Christmas clear out – If you are having a pre-Christmas clear out, we would happily accept toy donations. We are especially looking for building bricks/blocks, role play items, costumes and jigsaws. Please give any donations to your class teacher.
- Topic homework – Each half term pupils have an optional topic homework where the pupils can unleash their creativity. We encourage pupils to find something that inspires or interests them from a topic to find out more and present their findings however they choose. As a reminder, here are the current topics: Nursery Terrific Tales; Reception Autumn; Y1 Inspirational Occupations; Y2 Tudor (particularly Tudor houses); Y3 Kapow! Superheroes; Y4 Wonderful World of Chocolate (particularly creating food-themed empires); Y5 Invaders and Traders; Y6 Extinct.
- The Leicester Household Survey – We have been notified about this survey. The aim is to gather information about people’s housing circumstances, how people’s lives have been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, how they find out about council services and how they like to be communicated with. The online survey can be completed by any city resident, until 10 December, at Leicester Household Survey 2021 - Leicester City Council.
- Winter ball – We will be hosting a Winter Ball in order for our children to have some wintery-fun in a safe environment whilst raising money for the school; please see the letter here.
- The Kedzior Award - A reminder from Mrs Nanda about The Kedzior Award. We are continuing to encourage children to volunteer and give back outside of school. This can include helping around the home, helping others or volunteering in the community. Pupils/parents can keep a log and send this information to Mrs Nanda or put it on Seesaw. Remember, volunteering is one of the five ways to wellbeing. The next winners will be announced Tuesday 14th December. Winners will receive a Headteacher's pick of the pot and a class treat of the winner's choice!
Upcoming dates:
- Winter Ball – Reception, Year 3 &4 Tuesday 30th November; Year 1&2, Year 5&6 Thursday 2nd December. Please see the letter here.
- Children in Need and Odd Socks – Friday 19th November is Children in Need; we will be having a non-uniform day please see the following letter here to find out more. We will also be having an Odd Socks Day on the same day, please see the following letter here.
- Anti-bullying week – The week commencing 15th November is Anti-Bullying week. Pupils will be taking part in anti-bullying activities throughout this week.
- Y6 Beaumanor Hall Trip – Year 6 have a trip to Beaumanor Hall on the 16th November (6AV & 6CU) and 18th November (6CM & 6SG).
- Y5 swimming – Eagles and Hawks swimming will start on Monday 22nd November. The letters are available to see here or here (PP).
- Seesaw families – All classes are using Seesaw Families to upload photos and share work with you. This is also a key way for messages to be shared. If you do not have your child’s log-in details or if you need help getting onto the app, please ask your class teacher.
- Collins – All pupils have a Collins E-book log-in where they can access lots of levelled reading books at home. If you need any help with this, please see your class teacher.
- Chocolate spread and nuts – Please remember that all types of chocolate spread and nuts are not allowed in the school. Thank you.
- School day times – Please remember the timings of your child’s school day here. The doors open 10 minutes before the start of your child’s day starting, if you arrive after this time pupils will need to go through the main reception.
Club timetable:
- Y4, Y5 and Y6 Cross Country – Thursday 3:30 – 4:30pm
- Y6 Boys’ Football – continuing on a Monday after school.
- Y5/6 Girls’ Football – continuing on a Friday after school.
- Y6 Cards – have a lunch time cards club on a Monday.
- Y5/6 Choir – Choir club is on Thursday lunchtimes in Mrs Heaney-Fitzgerald’s classroom.
- Y2 multi-sports – Year 2 multi-sports club is on a Tuesday after school, in the downstairs hall.
For all this week’s letters, please check the Letters area of the school’s website or click here.