Although a very different start to the school year, it has been wonderful to see so many children happy and excited about being back at school. We wanted to take this opportunity to once again welcome you back and thank you for your cooperation and understanding during these difficult times.
The children have settled back into school exceptionally well; they are trying really hard to follow the new rules and systems. In class, it has been great to hear about some of the exciting and creative things they have done during lockdown.
We continue to work together to ensure the safety and wellbeing of the children, their families, staff and the community. We would therefore like to remind you of the following:
Coronavirus symptoms – we appreciate at this time, when there are lots of coughs and colds, that it may be difficult to decide how to identify Covid 19 symptoms. Here are the common symptoms of Covid 19 for your reference:
If you are unsure, we recommend that you book a free test at
A negative test result means that your child can return to school. A positive result means that your child and the people in that household should self-isolate. Please contact the school office to inform us of the result.
Social Distancing – We would like to remind all parents and carers that social distancing whilst on the school site is extremely important. Please avoid mixing with people from other households. We would like to thank those parents and carers that spread out across the site as this helps to keep everyone safe.
Masks – We feel that it is really important that parents and carers wear a face covering whilst on the school site. Please help us to keep our community safe. No parents or carers will be allowed into the school office without a face covering.
School bags – As outlined in the previous parent/carer information letter, we would like to remind you that school bags/backpacks are not allowed in school at this present time. There are a few exceptions in place that have been agreed on an individual basis.
One family member during drop off / collection – To reduce the number of people on our school site, it is vital that where possible only one member of a family drops off and collects. We really appreciate your support with this.
Parking concerns – It has been brought to our attention, by a number of concerned residents, that parking on Rockley Road and Avebury Avenue has been extremely dangerous. Please remember not to park over someone’s driveway, on the yellow zigzags or in a place that will put our children and their families at risk. Please park considerately at all times.
P.E. Kit – As the children come into school in their P.E. kits, please be aware that they should wear suitable footwear and dress appropriately for the weather. If it is cold outside, joggers, a hoodie and trainers are suitable.
We know that there are many changes at the moment and sometimes they can seem overwhelming. We are here to support you and will do our best to answer any questions that you may have – you can email using the year group emails, call the school office or contact us via the school website.